Launch your
Android App in days,
not weeks
An Android App Starter-Code Generator,
that takes care of
the tedious code
that 99% of the applications require.
The all-in-one toolbox to launch your next App.
Focus on core features, not on the tedious setup. Select all the functionality you need to build your next million-dollar App:
Get Started TodayFirebase Integration
Easily connect your project to Firebase for secure data storage and real-time updates.
π AuthKitOnboarding
Guide your users through your projectβs features with a seamless onboarding experience.
ποΈ DesignKitNavigation
Ensure smooth and intuitive navigation for users to explore your project effortlessly.
ποΈ DesignKitLocal Database
Store data locally on your device for quick access, even when offline.
π¦ DatabaseKitDark Mode
Enhance the visual experience of your project with a sleek and stylish dark mode option.
ποΈ DesignKitNotifications
Keep your users engaged and informed with push notifications.
π NotificationKitAPI Integration
Quickly set up your project with boilerplate code for API integration and data serialization.
π AuthKitLogin/Sign Up
Create a seamless login/sign up flow for your users to access your app securely.
π AuthKitSettings Page
Allow users to customize their experience with a dedicated settings page.
ποΈ DesignKitLifetime Updates
Enjoy continuous improvements and new features for the lifetime of your project.
ποΈ DesignKitProPlan
Start building like a pro. Get everything you need now.199$
- π¦ DatabaseKit
- π AuthKit
- π³ InAppPurchaseKit
- π AnalyticsKit
- π NotificationKit
- ποΈ DesignKit
- Lifetime updates
Stop wasting your time on tedious setup. Get started now.169$
- π¦ DatabaseKit
- π NotificationKit
- ποΈ DesignKit
What do I get exactly?
The Android starter with all the boilerplate code you need to create your mobile app: a payment system, a database, login, UI components, and much more.
What platforms does the template support?
The template supports Android applications.
Is it a mobile template?
It's more than just a template. You can copy/paste sections to build your app quickly, like a pricing section, an FAQ, and even an entire login. You also get a bunch of UI components like buttons, modals, popups, etc.
How often is AppKickOff updated?
I add new features and maintain old ones ASAP.
Do you offer student discounts
Yes! Just send me a message.
How can I refund?
Yes, we have a 14-day refund policy. If you're not satisfied with AppKickOff, you can write me directly